Author: Yin Shiqi
Our church has moved to First Baptist Church
Storrs Chinese Christian Church has moved to First Baptist Church (945 Storrs Road, Storrs, CT). Our gathering time doesn’t change. The weekly bible study is every Friday 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM, and Sunday service is 2-5 PM. If you have any question, please contact 8602087147. Thanks.
2017 Chinese New Year celebration
UCBSG Friday Night Chinese New Year Celebration
Dear Friends,
You are cordially invited to our Chinese New Year Celebration this Friday evening. Come and join us!
Place: First Baptist Church 945 Storrs Rd. Storrs , CT 06268
Time: Dinner 6:30~7:30pm Performances 7:30-9:30pm
讲座: Are You an Accident of Nature?
这周四下午6-7:30在John W. Rowe 134 (UConn Storrs Campus),Storrs华人教会带英文查经的Mike弟兄会做一个关于进化论的讲座 《Are you an accident of nature》 有pizza作为晚餐 欢迎大家邀请朋友一同参加 谢谢
Lecture: Are You an Accident of Nature?
What is my purpose in life? What happens when I die? How can I have hope? What can science teach me about these questions?……
When: 6PM-7:30PM, Thursday January 19, 2017
Where: John W. Rowe 134 (UConn Storrs Campus)
Food: Free pizza (email: so we can get a headcount for pizza)
Speaker: Mike Derewianka (Master graduate of UConn in 1982)
Are you a robot?
If chemistry and physics determined everything, then every thought you will ever think has already been predetermined by the laws of chemistry. You would be just a robot, your thoughts a slave to the laws of chemistry. You would have no free will. But you are not a robot. You can make real choices. God formed a spirit in you. You are a spiritual being in a physical body.
Free Choice & Self-Awareness
Your spirit gives you the freedom to choose. It also makes you self-aware. Science can’t explain either your free will or your self-awareness. Mere chemicals are not self-aware. Your spirit comes from a spiritual God and lives forever. You are a moral being. You are accountable to your Creator.
Three laws of science prove that you are an accident of nature:
- Information science – proves that information does not happen by chance.
- 2nd Law of Thermodynamics – things move to less order.
- Chemistry – prevents life from starting in nature.
The theory that nothing (Big Bang) organized itself into everything in violation of known laws of information science, chemistry, thermodynamics. |
Evolution is the theory that life happened by chance and that one kind of species evolved into a very different kind by chance mutations plus natural selection. Evolutionists’ conclusions rely on subjective interpretations and guesses that violate proven scientific laws. They lack scientific rigor.
This lecture features a video interview with famous evolutionist Richard Dawkins answering the question of how life got started.UConn President Susan Herbst has publicly honored Mr. Dawkins.
Please come hear a free lecture that will scientifically falsify the theory of evolution. It will use scientific evidence to point you to your Creator and be a starting point to answering the questions of meaning and eternal life. It will give you hope and may change your life forever.
Celebrate Ziwen’s birthday
Happy birthday to Liangliang’s wife-Ziwen. We will be excited to celebrate her new and eternal birthday in heaven soon, as she will be baptized this Thanksgiving. May God continue blessing this couple in Christ.
昨日的音乐敬拜非常有力量 感谢清扬和诗班的侍奉 像第一句歌词说的“我需要有你在我生命中” 愿清扬和小禹继续相亲相爱 成为神荣耀的见证
Special gathering this Friday evening
If you plan to come for the dinner, please click the following link and register by 4 PM (Oct 21):
下周五是特别聚会,地点回到Hope Church,讲员是哈特福德华人教会的葛开元牧师,题目是《抉择》,参考经文《箴言3:5-6》、《路加福音18:18-23,19:1-10》,欢迎大家参加。