Month: October 2016

Celebrate Ziwen’s birthday

Happy birthday to Liangliang’s wife-Ziwen. We will be excited to celebrate her new and eternal birthday in heaven soon, as she will be baptized this Thanksgiving. May God continue blessing this couple in Christ.



Special gathering this Friday evening

You are cordially invited to our special gathering this Friday evening. Come and join us!
Topic: 抉择
Speaker: 葛开元牧师
Place:  Hope Lutheran Church, 62 Dog Lane, Storrs, CT
Time: Dinner 6:30~7:30pm
          Sing hymns 7:30-8pm
          Talk 8pm~9:30 PM
=== Dinner Registration===參加晚餐 請登記===
If you plan to come for the dinner, please click the following link and register by 4 PM (Oct 21):
If you need a ride to Hope Lutheran Church this Friday, please also register.
If you don’t find your name in the list, please just add a line and type your name. 


下周五是特别聚会,地点回到Hope Church,讲员是哈特福德华人教会的葛开元牧师,题目是《抉择》,参考经文《箴言3:5-6》、《路加福音18:18-23,19:1-10》,欢迎大家参加。

下周五(10.14)和下周日(10.16)试用First Baptist Church 通知

大家好,教会这周五(10.7)照常在Hope Church聚会。因为周六周日一起出去赏枫,团契分享会在外面进行。所以这周日10月9日下午两点Hope Church里没有聚会。另外,教会由于受场地限制,现在在考虑是否要跟换教堂,下周五(10.14)和下周日(10.16)我们会试用First Baptist Church (地址:945 Storrs Rd, Storrs, CT 06268)的场地,查经和主日敬拜都在那边,这两次Hope Church里也没有聚会。由于First Baptist church离学校2迈,不可能从学校走过去,所以我们会安排ride,有需要的请联系我或者仁豪。这之后会恢复在Hope Church的聚会,同时全教会讨论是否跟换教堂。请大家相互转告,谢谢!