祷告会, 晨祷会 Prayer Meeting (Wednesday 9:30 PM) and Morning Prayer Meeting (Sunday 6 AM)
祷告是基督徒与神交通的一种重要方式, 也是基督徒生活的一个重要组成部分。
基督徒集体的祷告则是基督徒群体, 比如一个团契小组, 查经班或是教会, 寻求神的旨意, 求神带领前面的道路的一个重要途径, 是基督徒群体生活的一个不可缺少的部分。不可否认, 信仰是个人与神的关系。但是, 这
“...同有一个指望,一主, 一信, 一洗, 一神...”(以弗所书:4:5)
却把我们众基督徒连在一起, 使我们能在耶稣基督里面合一, 在圣灵里面的合一。这合一是耶稣在升天前反复教导门徒们要遵行的。我们查经班的祷告会就是我们在一起,同心合一地为查经班的事工祷告,通过祷告使我们在圣灵里面合一。也就在这合一的前提下, 我们的事奉才能够荣耀神。基于这一点, 我们每次对我们各种所需的事情向神祷告, 为我们的信心向神求, 为我们生活上的困难向神求, 为我们星期五的查经聚会向神求。当然, 我们在向神求任何事情的时候, 我们不会忘记我们对神的感谢, 因为“应当一无挂虑, 只要凡事借着祷告, 祈求和感谢, 把你们所要的告诉神, 神所赐出人意外的平安, 必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念”(腓立比书4:6,7)。这是圣经里面告诉我们的, 也是神的应许。让我们一起来祷告。
祷告会是在家里透过 skype 进行。
我们欢迎一切信神的人, 以及一切愿意追求神的人参加我们的祷告会, 把我们的需求带到神面前, 也使我们查经班的团契在耶稣基督里面得到真正的合一。
Prayer is an important means of communication between Christians and the Lord, It is also an integral part of Christian life.
Christians praying as a group - such as a fellowship cell group, a bible study group or a church congregation - is an important way for the group to seek the will of the Lord and His guidance for the roads ahead, It is an indispensable part of the life of Christians as a group. Undeniably, faith is a personal relationship between God and man; yet,
"...as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:4 - 4:5),
Christians are thus united together, enabled to become one in Christ and in the Holy Spirit. This unity is something that Jesus had taught His disciples repeatedly to follow before He was lifted to the Heavens. Our bible study group prayer meeting is then our gathering together, praying with one mind for the works of the bible study group, and through which enabling us to becoming as one in the Holy Spirit. It is under the premise of such solidarity that our work will be of glory to the Lord. Surely, when we pray for anything from the Lord, we shall not forget to give our thanks to Him, because "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7). This is what the Bible tells us, and also what the Lord promises. Let us pray together.
The meetings are held via skype conference call.
We welcome all who believe in Christ, and everyone who seeks the Lord to join us, to bring our needs in front of God, and to have our bible study fellowship find true unity within Christ.
姐妹会 Sisters’ Fellowship
2017 秋季姐妹会改成一个月聚会一次,詳情请查询(860)456-1772。
圣经预查–信徒组 (Tuesday 9:30 PM), 慕道组(Thursday 9 PM)
透过 skype conference call 预习、讨论星期五查经班要查考的圣经章节。
2017 秋季:
信徒组查希伯来书、雅各書、彼 得 前、後 書。信徒组圣经预查欢迎同工参加。
這學期慕道组会改变以往查考福音书的方式,会以「谁是耶稣」为主题,从圣经里寻找答案,认大家从讨论中认识耶稣。慕道组圣经预查欢迎同工, 慕道朋友参加。
青年团契 Young Adults’ Fellowship (Sunday at 12:30 PM)
We are a group of young adults (students and professionals) who meet to discuss the various issues we face in our daily lives: academics, research, job hunting, our future, among other things. We welcome you to come and join us every Sunday at 12:30 PM at Storrs Chinese Christian Church at 945 Storrs Road, Storrs, CT