康大华人学生团契是谁?Who are the UConn Chinese Christian Fellowship? 


康大华人学生团契是一个在UConn正式注册的学生组织。 我们是来自世界各地的华人学生学者及家庭,因着上帝的爱,聚集在一起,服务UConn的华人社区。我们会互相帮助,一起探讨信仰,查考圣经,出去游玩,并且分享生活与学习的点滴。如果你想在这里寻找一个温馨的家,或想更快的适应这里的生活,或渴望探求真理,欢迎来参加我们的活动!

UConn Chinese Christian Fellowship is a student organization registered here at UConn. Formed by a group of Chinese students, scholars and families from all around the world, we serve the Chinese community around UConn through the love of God.  So what do we do?  We offer assistance to someone who needs it, discover and explore our Christian faith, study the Bible, hang out together, share with each other the ups and downs in our lives, being each other’s pillars of support.  If you are looking for somewhere to call home, or if you want to settle into your new life here quickly, or if you seek the truth about life, we welcome you to come and join us.